Steam Train DL

Steam Train DL

Old style, print design from my past life as an agency designer, many moons ago, promoting Steam Train Sundays for Queensland Rail.

The Fox Hare

The Fox Hare

You can almost hear Hare’s heart thumping with adrenaline in this lovely piece titled, ‘The Fox Hare’.

Ready for Auction!

Ready for Auction!

‘The Fox Family’ going up for Auction in the Annual Busking For Change fundraising event in Sydney…

Red Riding

Red Riding

What started out as a quick thumbnail sketch organically developed into ‘Little Red’ on the run, with the addition of a little watercolour and my pine wood floors.

Native Cat

Native Cat

Ironically, in the early days of documenting Australian wildlife, the only way to catch the most life-like photographs, was to photograph stuffed dead ones.

Warm in Winter single cover

Warm in Winter single cover

it was an incredible honour to have one of my artworks represent one of my favourite songs, off one of my top 5 albums by my most adored Aussie recording artist.

A Skulk of Foxes

A Skulk of Foxes

After a couple of weeks off with man flu, I am well back into the swing of things again. It's a pleasure to be back at my mac getting some beautiful designs together again. I was not entirely off the planet whilst I was away. Here is a brief run down of the past two...

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

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